Friday 27 September 2024

A Book-Cover Design Can Make the Difference Between a Hit and a Flop

 A book design should draw people and create enough intrigue and charm, provoking them to buy it- Now!

The objective of designing a book cover through expert book cover designers is to capture the interest of prospective readers amidst numerous other books. It must convince them that your book is the one they should have on their nightstand.

Captivating images and graphics will establish a connection with the audience. It leaves a lasting impact on them before they begin reading the book. The ultimate goal is to entice the reader to pick up your book and delve into the pages. Employ a book illustration agency to create attractive book covers.

A book cover design conveys that the content inside is valuable and deserves the reader’s attention. Still, it must maintain an element of mystery. It provides a glimpse of the book’s theme/tone without giving away too much plot/story.

Treat your book cover like a living being and let it speak for itself.

You will require a professional book cover everywhere- on your book sales page, website, social media pages, brochures, and of course- on the physical book itself.

Some aspects that are of utmost importance in an attractive book cover are-

Genre communication: A book cover should clearly communicate the genre of the book through appropriate colours, imagery, and text. This will allow readers to determine if the book is something they would be interested in.

Colour and imagery: Colours and images are powerful tools used to convey emotions, moods, and themes. Choose the right colours and imagery that are relevant to the book. It’ll capture the attention of potential readers.

Research: Before creating a book cover, it’s salient to research other books in the same genre to identify trends and common themes. This’ll help you to create a book cover that stands out and appeals to the target audience.

Typography: The font and typography used on a book cover play a significant role. The font should be easy to read and complement the meaning of the title/theme of the book.

Imagery: The images used on the cover should be relevant to the book’s content and communicate the main characters, themes, or mood. They should also be visually appealing and draw the reader’s attention.

Stand out: A book cover should stand out from other books in the same genre. This can be achieved using a unique design, contrasting colours, or bold typography. Book layout designers take care of this aspect.

Consistency: A book cover should be consistent with the book’s content and tone. It should accurately represent what the reader finds inside the book.

Branding: For authors who have an established brand, it’s fundamental to ensure that the cover is consistent with their other works. This’ll help readers to recognize the author’s style. Establishing trust and credibility will also be fostered.

Testing: It’s advisable to test the book cover with potential readers to get feedback. Make any necessary adjustments. This’ll ensure that the book cover is appealing/effective.

Quality is reflected in the details, where even the subtlest elements- like the treatment of images, lighting, and arrangement, contribute to the overall professional appearance of a book cover.

Use colours judiciously to sprinkle the right amount of psychological effects; so that it affects the audience correctly and they get the right picture of what’s inside. 

A book cover means the front, the spine, and the back of a book & should be equally paid importance. When placed on a bookshelf (physical or online), the book spine only may be visible to persuade a casual viewer.

Blurb on the back cover (usually tells something about what’s inside) should be carefully written- enough to hook the audience. Give a glimpse of your book but don’t overdo it.

In essence, the cover of a book is the “face” of the content within, and it must be captivating enough to entice readers to explore further.

A well-designed cover:

  • Let readers know the book’s genre;
  • Hints at the plot;
  • Establishes a connection with a protagonist;
  • Sets a tone;
  • Uses the correct colours and typography;
  • Is attentive to minutiae;
  • Has a distinct visual style;

All of this creates interest. This is directly proportional to its sales figures. In other words, the greater the number of people intrigued by a book cover, the higher the likelihood of it selling more copies.

If you want to create a book cover with all the necessary elements, then go for professional agents such as White Magic Studios for an attractive book cover or an animated video agency for engrossing trailers.

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Top Services Offered by a Self-publishing UK Studio

 The growing tendency of self-publishing is driving more publishing studios to rise- extending their end-to-end self-publishing UK support to their eminent clients whether amateur writers or bestselling authors. Unlike previous times, today, in the era of advanced technology and the massive acceptance of information technology and the internet- many readers are choosing to read eBooks over the paperbacks or hardcopies for the ease of handling. It’s a cost-effective option as well.

Do you have a book to publish? If self-publishing is on your mind and your target audience is primarily the eBook readers then opting for Amazon kindle publishing UK can be an excellent option. You can also save more while choosing the Kindle Direct Publishing by using the Amazon’s platform.

Though anyone can write an eBook and publish it on KDP, having a team of professionals backing the project, gives a better end result. Your decision to collaborate with a reputed self-publishing agency can harbor you to the right shore as they professionals working there execute the publishing accordingly and systematically.

They can also guide you how to maintain your full control on the publication and the value of copyrights. If you are new in the business then despite focusing your full concentration on the writing and creativity, gain your knowledge about what are the steps of self-publishing and how can you earn royalties.

Top services offered by the acclaimed self-publishing studios in UK—


If you have an excellent plot in mind but don’t have the excellent writing skill required in an author, then opt for ghostwriting. It’s similar to online essay writing or home work writing services. Being a Londoner, connect with a reputed self-publishing agency such as White Magic Studios promising the best services under one roof. Here at such an agency, you can avail of the best ghostwriting services where a professional writer will be assigned to write the book on your behalf.

Even with an unfinished manuscript, approaching for ghostwriting is possible. Let the expert writer finish the copy for you and the agency help in self-publishing the book. Improve your passive income from the royalties.

Layout & Cover Design

The self-publishing agencies find it their duty to provide the book cover designs by prolific designers worrying with them either in their payroll or as a freelancers. Most importantly, the artists prefer working along with the author to decide the final copy of the cover page. While self-publishing, your book, you can either hire an independent designer or can totally depend on the agency. Make sure the design that they create is trendy and has all the features to drive the readers. The covers do play a significant role in promoting the book.

eBook conversion & Amazon KDP 

The self-publishing agency also provides eBook conversions services. after the final transformation, they can also publish it on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing and any other online platform from where customers purchase eBooks. In the next phase, you can consider printing the books to reach out to old-school readers that totally believe in the tactical way of reading a book.


Editing is crucial when it comes to book publishing. Traditional publishers depend on industry experts for not only to select the manuscript for publishing but also to edit the book to make it more sellable. While self-publishing, you might have made a few mistakes that can be rectified by appointing a professional editor. After the final draft is forwarded to you, you can go with the experts or can also keep your previous writings wherever you feel like and next move them to the cart for the final publishing Marketing Solutions 

You can team up with a reputed video animation company to create demo videos for companies or brands for further sales progress.

Utilize the best of internet technology and social media where posting the latest updates on newly launched books is possible. Start with having a website along with a blog page. Use this platform to announce the launch of the new book.

Beside, you can also get professional help from seller consultants. Also, invest in PPC, social media marketing, and influencer marketing to reach out to your target audience fast.

Wednesday 8 May 2024

How to Hire an Illustrator When Self-publishing?

 Children’s book writers most of the time need to collaborate with a professional illustrator to draw the cartoons of the characters or any event on one side of the page. If the book is written as comics, then the illustrator becomes the star of the book where they have to draw everything and write the dialogues within the bubbles. When you are writing even a manga, hire an illustrator, well-acquainted with trending anime arts. 

Here are some ideas for hiring an illustrator when self-publishing—

Explore the previous works

While searching for a uniquely gifted illustrator for Amazon self publishing a book, check out their previous works or their current projects. Most importantly, you should know about their love for the genre before appointing them for a successful outcome. 

Get a reference 

Many self-publishing agencies in London, also renowned for being an explainer video animation company can suggest talented individuals that you can appoint for drawing the illustrations for the manga, comics or even a book for children you have just finished. Have a word with the illustrator directly to know about their efficiency and interest in taking up your work.

A part of a bestselling book

Your desire to create a bestselling book can drive you to meet a few top-notch illustrators, reputed for contributing to quite a few bestselling books loved by young readers. For your next Kindle book publishing, you might want to collaborate with a talented illustrator with whom your book can reach the category of bestsellers. 


Finally, make sure the illustrator is reputed for being client-friendly. The person should have the patience to work with the author understand their expectations and draw the animations accordingly. 

Hire an amiable and creative illustrator who has already proved their exceptional talent in the volumes of books they have contributed to. 

Wednesday 3 April 2024

Ideas to Establish Yourself as a Kindle Independent Publishing Author

 If you don’t agree to make any creative compromise by dealing with a traditional publisher or don’t agree to the third-party vetting of your work before they send the approval letter- go for Kindle independent publishing the ideal place for free thinking writers! 

Today, the majority of writers whether new or bestselling- are choosing Amazon publishing UK or any other self-publishing option to have 100% control and to maintain the speed of publishing. They can also earn more royalties by having full control of the publishing including the decision of profit margins. 

Here are some ideas to establish yourself as a Kindle independent publishing author—

Get vetted by an industry expert

While publishing traditionally, the works of the writers are thoroughly vetted by industry experts. However, while self publishing UK, this feature goes missing causing to lack of the potential to drive more target audiences to like the book. Therefore, get your manuscript vetted by expert editors or book writers before publishing to add sharpness to the overall writing.

Attend an online writing class

Even professional writers often attend online writing classes to improve their writing skills. They get to know about the recent writing patterns and ideas to develop a plot more creatively. 

Start writing short stories for your blog

Before approaching the book publishers in London, develop your goodwill as a successful blogger where you have already posted quite a few stories.

Share a blurb at any online book club

Writing a blurb for your book is an art. Share the blurb with online book clubs to see the response before publishing your book.

Saturday 2 March 2024

How to Become a Good Writer?

 If you have a dream of becoming a good writer like your favourite Jane Austen or Thomas Hardy then start by practicing to write daily. Many accomplished writers start writing from an early age and with the passing of time, they develop the art of fiction or non-fiction writing along with honing a grip on the genre. Your intricate passion for book self publishing UK can lead you to the disposal of a reputed agency in London, offering help to self-publishing writers. However, before that take your manuscript or soft copy of the unpublished book to them with the urge of publishing it on whichever platform you choose to print.

This is the era of eBooks because, with the massive use of smartphones and Kindle devices, most readers from the millennials to Gen Z and even some enthusiasts from Gen X prefer reading eBooks more than printed copies for the ease of carrying and to save more bucks. Work with a book cover illustrator to find out better avenues to grab the attention of the readers with an attractive cover of your book.

If your target audiences are they then you have to opt for eBook publishing on platforms like Amazon and to promote your book, connect with a reputed marketing team. Hire a reputed video animation agency that can help you create a movie of the children’s book you wrote recently.

Despite getting deeper into reading, you also need to think like a business person when it comes to increasing the sales potential of your newly written book. Collaborate with one of the best book cover designers UK who has already designed the covers for quite a few bestselling books in the recent past. You also need to find out some tips to grab the attention of the potential readers who would purchase the book by designing an intricate cover.

Friday 26 January 2024

Ideas to Start Your Career as a Writer

 The creative passion of many individuals leads them to become successful writers in the future. It’s not always true that most of them started liking scribbling on paper in their childhood, many celebrated authors have become successful at a mature age. Your intensity of writing whether essays, fiction, or poetry can inspire you to move a step forward to publish your creations. Start with self-publishing and it can be even better if you opt for Kindle Direct Publishing UK to reach out to more readers faster.

At present, a huge section of readers prefer reading eBooks on their Kindle devices or smartphones, laptops or computers. The sales rate of digital copies is even skyrocketing than paperbacks or hard copies. Have a close collaboration with a reputed Amazon publishing agency spreading their hands for new authors interested in using the digital platform to publish their book. Despite launching the eBooks on Amazon’s platform, self-publishing authors can also launch their paperbacks and hard copies here.

Here are some steps to start your career as a writer—

Stay focused 

In a recent interview with Songs of Ice and Fire famed George. R. R. Martin, Stephen King confessed that he maintains a deadline of writing six pages every day with everything done on it. This is how he can easily finish any book in two months while the former is failing to complete his last installment of the incredibly popular franchise in the past couple of years. Stay focused and be determined to complete at least three pages every day and maintain a deadline to finish writing your book including focusing on designing the book covers front and back, layouts, and illustrations during the process.

Be an avid reader

Good authors are good readers. You should keep reading as much as you can to not only increase your knowledge of the same genre but also to know how the book layout designer has shown his creativity.

Also, join book clubs to get the opinion of other readers there while you still write the pages.

Get your website ranked by one of the leading SEO agencies in Delhi and receive a free PCC audit from PPC Consultants.

Friday 5 January 2024

7 Things to Do When Book Self-publishing UK

 Have you decided to go for book self-publishing UK instead of approaching the popular publishers? Self-publishing is an encouraging process that allows many hidden talents to see the sunlight across the United Kingdom and globally. You can also be one of the reputed and bestselling self-publishing authors with appealing content followed by an impressive book cover design and effective marketing strategies.

Whether you have a manuscript ready with you or not, connect with a renowned self-publishing agency in London, such as White Magic Studio ensuring the best publishing services from ghostwriting to offering book illustrators for hire at convenient rates. Despite printing the books, also use digital platforms such as Amazon or Google to publish digitized copies of your new book for online readers that prefer using Kindle, tablets, laptops or smartphones for reading new content.

Here are the 7 things to do when Self-publishing a Book in the UK—

Tie up with a self-publishing agency 

Start your journey by finding and collaborating with a self-publishing agency in London or wherever you stay in the UK. Quite a few reputed agencies across the UK are showing maverick skills in their creativity in the self-publishing industry and enriching it day by day.

Tying up with such a renowned agency can help you achieve a successful endeavour by self-publishing your upcoming book. They prefer calling their company a studio by offering myriad publishing services from editing to creating cover designs.

Go for Self-Publishing-Save Time & Earn More

Instead of wasting your precious time by visiting popular publishing companies, go for self-publishing and if the book reaches the status of a bestseller by creating ripples among readers of that genre, a big publishing house might show interest in buying the rights. Many self-publishing authors have tasted this success and got offers from film producers too. You might achieve that pinnacle if the book is loved by readers and is ideal for a film adaptation.

Don’t worry if the manuscript is not ready- Try Ghostwriting Services 

If you have an incomplete manuscript and finding it difficult to finish because of time constraints or creative drainage, opt for ghostwriting services. Top self-publishing companies provide ghostwriting services for their clients. Even if you have a great concept in mind but lack a professional writing grip, hiring a ghostwriting professional is the best idea.

Focus on creative book cover designing

While the manuscript is getting ready and you know about the overall fiction or non-fiction, collaborate with one of the best professional book cover designers to create the cover designs. Also, you have to focus on three layers of cover designs of the printed copies of the new book including the book layout structure. Follow the footprints of the recently self-published bestsellers to get an idea of how to create the book layout and the book cover designs to make your book more accepted among the readers.

Work with a genre-specific cover designer for the best outcome 

Working with a genre-specific cover designer will bring you more success when self-publishing your next book. They know how to use the typography and colours in creating the cover designs. Writers can add the bestselling logo, reviews from newspapers, author’s bio etc. on the cover strategically to increase the interest among readers to pick the book from the rack and buy it.

Hire a book illustrator when it’s children’s book

Children’s book writers thinking of adding illustrations to their books have to look for experienced children’s book illustrators for hire UK.You also have to talk to the agency to assign you a book illustrator with work experience for quite a few bestselling children’s books.

Create an impactful marketing strategy with experts 

In the final phase, when the book is ready or in the process of getting printed or digitally published in an eBook version, start promoting it through omnichannel marketing. With a handsome budget, hiring a marketing company, experienced to promote books can bring you more buyers. You can also do it on your own by creating a website and profiles on multiple social media sites from Facebook to Instagram. Make reels and stories to promote your book. Use keywords and key phrases with more hashtags to reach out to more readers.

Get your website ranked by one of the leading SEO agencies in Delhi and receive a free PCC audit from PPC Consultants.

A Book-Cover Design Can Make the Difference Between a Hit and a Flop

  A book design should draw people and create enough intrigue and charm, provoking them to buy it- Now! The objective of designing a book co...